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About Me:

Loren Watts-McCabe, Digital Artist -“I am a Colorado native, and that comes alongside a love of nature, and an appreciation for its inherent beauty, which I hope to represent in my art. I was also born with cerebral palsy, which comes with an intense appreciation for life, and a unique perspective on it, which I want to share with others through my art, and more generally, throughout my life. My interest in digital art began after numerous physical art classes, and, after difficulty due to my physical limitations, (which is also my more broad experience with art, being limited by my own physical ability, that stopped me from expressing my real artistic vision), stopping me from expressing my art physically, I began to contemplate digital art and though I did not pursue it until this point, I did examine some methods and routes, alongside general art theory. Though I do not have much art experience, aside from general art classes, my approach is built from those classes, looking introspectively at my own thoughts that build from a given assignment or style, and developing those thoughts and ideas into my final art piece alongside looking through either other artist’s images or others art within the genre or style I am working, for inspiration. Some of my influences are Ted Wallace, alongside some more general psychedelic and space-based art, alongside my own interesting thoughts and concepts that I feel can be expressed through my art.  

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