My initial ideas center around the natural repetition and in some sense, the monotony of life, and the emotions and thoughts that develop as we begin to realize that we fall into it, accept it and, if it is a negative one, change it a bit, to better ourselves, or if we do not realize it, maintain that status quo, slowly drifting through life.
My idea with the 10 sounds is to use a bit of repetition, to express that monotony, and that reoccurring idea, alongside some different effects, or some level of distortion, to express the subtle changes that happen with those routines, as we fall into them, and become complacent, and towards the end, I will use the relatively clear sounds, to express the progression of thought, as we realize our own routines, and that discovery becoming clearer and clearer.
If this idea does not work or the sound choices do not necessarily fit, I think a second idea could be to use my sounds to express in some way, a joy for life, and those simple pleasures, though I think that will be quite hard to express through only sound, that entirely depends on what other people in the class submit for their sounds, or if a large number of people submit very particular sounds, like water-based sounds, or a particular noise, like a door closing or typing on a computer, for example, I could merge and adjust those sounds, to express their many similarities and differences.